Met de Kamermotie om asielaanvragen naar elders af te schuiven, bijvoorbeeld naar Rwanda, gooit Nederland zijn internationale verplichtingen te grabbel voor politiek gewin – ter bezwering van een zelf-veroorzaakte opvangcrisis.
Russische dienstplichtigen tot 27 jaar die naar Nederland zijn gevlucht worden door Nederland niet teruggestuurd naar Rusland. Russen tussen 27 en 45 jaar die mobilisatie vrezen, kunnen na afwijzing van hun asielverzoek wel worden uitgezet. Hoe zit dit precies?
Mag Nederland Russische dienstweigeraars en deserteurs terugsturen?, Verblijfblog 25 januari 2023
The refugee definition in Article 1A(2) Refugee Convention does not explicitly refer to gender or sexuality. From the early 1980s, feminist and subsequent LGBTQI critiques have pointed out that this results in the practice of privileging straight men. This has resulted in a rethinking of the concept of refugee and asylum procedures at the international level, as well as on specific provisions of EU law.
Vrijdag 26 augustus 2022 presenteerde het kabinet een ‘asielcompromis’ met als doel de opvangcrisis in Ter Apel op te lossen. In de media werd geopperd dat de regering heel goed weet dat het voorgestelde uitstel van de gezinshereniging van asielstatushouders onrechtmatig is. De rechter zal moeten bepalen of dit inderdaad het geval is. Hoe kunnen asielstatushouders de rechter de rechtmatigheid van dit uitstel laten toetsen en hoe lang duurt dat?
Procederen tegen de wachttijd voor gezinshereniging, Verblijfblog 11 november 2022
This chapter addresses the involvement of academic research on international migration law in the political project of the global North to impose its view concerning international migration law on the global South. The purportedly well-established principle of international law that states have the right exclude foreigners has its origins in the US Supreme Court’s Chinese Exclusion case law. The doctrine holding that the right of exclusion is inherent in state sovereignty developed there has been adopted and transformed by the European Court of Human Rights. In order to show the continuing relevance of the Chinese Exclusion doctrine, I will analyse a rather everyday judgment of the European Court about boat people (J.R. et autres v Grèce 2018). This will be contrasted with a judgment about boat people from the global South, issued by the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Supreme Court of Justice (Namah v Pato 2016). I will then show how the PNG judgment, and law from the global South more generally, is sidelined in academic work, while Strasbourg judgments are treated as embodying the state of international law (even when they are being criticised). I will analyse this as an act of power erasing sources of international migration law from the global South. As an example, I include bibliometrics on the International Journal of Refugee Law. I will close by showing that this erasure can be, and actually is being resisted within the discipline of international law.
Zeker na de brand in Moria gaat het debat over hoe aardig we wel of niet zijn voor een paar weeskinderen in kamp Moria. Maar dat leidt af van hoe het huidige beleid tienduizenden mensen planmatig in onmenselijke toestanden brengt.
Since 2014, the European Union has established three funds (for Africa, Syria, and refugees in Turkey) to implement its external migration policy. In this Article, we analyse whether these funds and their implementation are compatible with EU public procurement law. This leads to a mixed picture. The wholesale exemption of expenditure under the EU Trust Fund for Africa from public procurement is incompatible with EU law; the exemption is not motivated, and it is implausible that there is a crisis in all 26 African countries where the Trust Fund operates thorough the duration of the Trust Fund. However, some more limited exceptions may apply, allowing for exempting particular projects from public procurement. Whether or not public procurement has taken place is often not transparent. It is remarkable that the notion of emergency is used in a cursory manner. It is equally remarkable that European public procurement law is not well integrated in external migration policy.
European External Migration Funds and Public Procurement Law, in European Papers 4(2019):2, p. 493-521
Carrier sanctions, by which transport companies are penalised if they do not refuse embarkation to undocumented persons, play a role in perpetuating harms (denial of refugee protection; death) against migrants. They do so because transport companies are obliged to by legislation of destination states in Europe, North America and Australia. The potential accountability and responsibility of carriers for these harms has not been addressed in literature on human rights law. This article fills this gap through the application of Iris Young’s social connection model to address the contemporary harms of carrier sanctions. We propose that, faced with conflicting legal obligations, carriers have moral and legal obligations to remedy, through strategic actions, the harms to which they contribute. We outline a number of possible practices that carriers can use to do so.