Shortcomings in EU Cooperation for Externalization of Asylum: Lessons from Niger, Serbia, Tunisia and Türkiye (2023, With Bachirou Ayouba Tinni and 8 others)

This policy brief addresses European Union support for asylum systems in selected third countries – i.e. Niger, Serbia, Tunisia and Türkiye – through a range of instruments including technical means (advice, training, capacity building), operational assistance (such as Frontex operations in non-EU countries) as well as financial support for refugee status determination, refugee reception, migration and border management. Specific focus is given to the instruments’ compliance with transparency and accountability principles and international law, the extent to which the results achieved have been oriented towards facilitating mobility or the containment of asylum seekers and refugees, as well as their alignment with the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees.

Bachirou Ayouba Tinni, Olga Djurovic and Rados Djurovic, Abdoulaye Hamadou, Meltem Ineli-Ciger, Gamze Ovacık, Fatma Raach, Hiba Sha’ath, Thomas Spijkerboer and Orçun Ulusoy: Shortcomings in EU Cooperation for Externalization of Asylum: Lessons from Niger, Serbia, Tunisia and Türkiye, Brussels: CEPS 2023

Fatou Mandoye Mbengue: Linéaire (2019), Galérie nationale d’art, Dakar

Asylum for containment: the bankruptcy of conditionality (2023)

For two decades, Europe has tried to contain migrants and refugees in neighbouring countries. The situation in Tunisia is merely the most recent ‘crisis’ that shows that this approach is bankrupt. Long-term, formalised and unconditional support addressing the concerns of Europe’s neighbours will also better serve Europe’s interests.

The Progressive Post, 26 April 2023

Neo Matloga, Dikarata (2021) collage, charcoal, liquid charcoal, ink, soft pastel & acrylic on canvas

Maak van Tunesië niet het nieuwe ‘aanmeldcentrum’ aan de Europese buitengrenzen (2023, met Fatma Raach en Hiba Sha’ath)

Europa vreest massa-immigratie uit Tunesië. En dat land wil geen stroom retourreizigers. De EU kan de druk verlichten met consistente financiële steun. NRC-Handelsblad 12 april 2023

Sabrine Trabelsi: Confined (Collection of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Tunis)

Outsourcen en afkopen van asielprocedures buiten EU is een onzalig en onrechtmatig plan (met 11 anderen, 2023)

Met de Kamermotie om asielaanvragen naar elders af te schuiven, bijvoorbeeld naar Rwanda, gooit Nederland zijn internationale verplichtingen te grabbel voor politiek gewin – ter bezwering van een zelf-veroorzaakte opvangcrisis.

De Volkskrant 23 februari 2023

Victor Vasarély: Arny (Ombre), Collectie Centre Pompidou, Parijs